So, as most of you know, I (kk) am a vegetarian. I made the decision to go "V" almost exactly a year ago. I've had lots of questions lately on what this means... and how am I getting enough protein.
Technically, I'm a lacto-ovo vegetarian. Meaning: I consume milk & eggs in my diet. No, I don't eat any type of meat (including fish).
However, I do consume my daily value of protein through a variety of sources.
-Nut butters (peanut, almond, etc)
-Beans (Black, Soybeans, Kidney, Black-Eyed, Pinto, Lintels...etc)
(I keep a bag or can of nuts in my desk for an easy afternoon snack).
However, people forget that a variety of foods include protein. You have to know what you're eating. (And yes, I consume an additional 300 calories of protein in my diet daily, now that I'm pregnant). These things add up when looked at wholistically.
-Veggie Burgers
-All veggie meat substitutes..
-really... I could go on & on....
What is always interesting is when we go out to eat & people assume that I'm not getting my daily intake merely b/c I didn't get "enough" protein at that particular meal. And if I say I'm tired, doesn't mean I didn't get "enough protein" might just mean..... I'm tired because my body is growing another person right now. How many pregnant women aren't tired?! LOL
I made the decision to go vegetarian for my health. I'm not a crazy person who thinks we shouldn't eat meat b/c I'm an erractic tree-hugger. I had fallen into bad eating habits, and I wanted a lifestyle change. Cutting the meat, cut lots of fats from fried foods...heavy sodium enriched marinades..and an altogether unhealthy colon. I make smarter choices with my foods now. I actually consume more protein now that when I ate meat....because now I know how much of my daily vitamins and nutrients I consume. I'm much more accountable to myself.
My doctors are all very supportive of this lifestyle/diet. They were all aware of the changes before & afterwards...and all agree that I'm healthier now than before.
For the record, the only thing I miss is SUSHI. However, I'm able to get my fix with a cucumber roll. Perhaps one day I might add fish back in my diet, but not at this point....(I don't want to consume the Mercury while expecting).
Hey, I get that some people don't understand this. I'm not trying to win the world over. It's just a personal call........and my husband is not deprived. He gets meat any time he wants it.
I guess, that was my soap box. I'll get off of it now.