Friday, August 28, 2009

A Mommy-2-Be Update

It’s been a crazy week. I’m 27 weeks and some change [right at 7 months]. I’ve only gained 9 lbs thus far. I only gained 1 pound this past month. I was sure I had gained more due to the traveling……and I fell off the wagon for about a week (eating lots of sweets). David was impressed that I just flipped a switch & went right back to eating healthy again. I’m craving fresh fruit all of the time. So, I load a bag of peaches, plums, nectarines, & apples for my snacks every day.

The baby is moving a lot more. The movements will catch me off guard. I might be having a conversation, or sitting in a meeting….and the baby just “kicks the fire out of me” (not sure where that phrase comes from…but it fits). It’s everything in me not to start laughing at the most inappropriate moments.

I’ve been working non-stop for several weeks….and I need a break. However, I understand that I have to get these jobs out of the door before E.D. comes. I have another weekend of work to look forward to. I do hope to attend a baby fair tomorrow at the Women’s Hospital!! Cross your fingers for me winning a door prize…or two.