Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Unborn Are Not the Only Victims

 Ok, so it's been a while since I got on my soapbox....

Last week, a young woman (24) died from complications from an abortion. I definitely don't have all the information, but I did find that she was out of her first trimester. Also, she had a cervical dilation and evacuation (which is typical for a 2nd trimester abortion). The abortion was performed at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Chicago. For descriptions of a D&E, click here. (Warning: the descriptions & images are graphic.)

Illinois has some of the loosest laws/regulations for abortion in the U.S. …………..Sadly, Illinois does not even require that a licensed physician perform abortions, unless it is after viability (24 weeks). Abortionists are not required to counsel the women on any negative side effects: breast cancer link, fetal pain, negative psychological effects, or use of an ultrasound. Therefore, there is no waiting period for requesting an abortion.

"Globally, "the 10 to 15% of all abortions that take place after the first trimester cause approximately two-thirds of all major complications and half of all abortion-related maternal deaths."56

I’m staunchly against any form of abortion. However, I believe Mississippi’s latest law might have saved this young girl’s life. What if the person performing this abortion was a credentialed OBGYN & had admitting privileges?! Yes, I am pro-life. That  means"all life", in this case, the mother should be protected as well. Sadly, two lives were lost.

How many more shall we lose?

Mississippi Children's Museum

While we were driving through Jackson on Saturday, we decided to make a stop at the Children's Museum for Drew to have a little fun. Boy, did he ever!!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Drew's "New" Night Time Routine

For the past few days Drew has begun a new routine. We put him in bed, say our prayers, tell a story etc......& we leave for him to fall asleep. After a few minutes, we hear him moving around. We've watched him take all his bedding, animals, a few cars & make a pallet on the floor. He thinks it's the neatest thing. We just let him fall asleep there & put him back in bed after a while. (Side Note: they sleep in mats on the floor at daycare & I wonder if he really likes replicating that at home).

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Morning Serenade

Drew decided to serenade us this morning. I had to keep David from stopping that I could video it. He's not supposed to play on the piano without one of us. Which explains why "he was just looking for Easter eggs..." LOL He had been playing for 10 minutes. It was just so cute. I couldn't stop him. Music is in his bones!!