Monday, August 24, 2009

Instructor David

Thinking the phrase "Instructor David" makes me think of the old cartoon "Instructor Gadget".....and the accompanying theme song.

I asked David to update about MSU starting back up for the fall...but I guess he's too busy/distracted/etc. So, I'll do my best... from the inexperienced bystander.

This fall, David is teaching a high level statistics course. (He has over a hundred students). I can't stand, I'm not envious. All his students are keeping him busy answering questions all times of the day [& yes...nights too]. Thus far, he's having to drive to Starkville all 5 weekdays. I'm not sure if this will slack up or if this will be the norm for the rest of the semester. It was nice with the 3 day a week drive this summer...but oh well, that's life.

He's also developing a few new courses...set to launch either in the spring or fall (sorry, I can't recall). This is basically the "meat" of what he was hired on to do. So, it will take up quite a bit of his daily routine.

MSU has over a 100 cases of swine flu already. So, I hope he doesn't come down with it or bring it home to me & E.D. He's always been pretty worries.

As for me, I'm trying to push out a big job. (Which is what I'm taking a break from right now). I've worked nights for the last several weeks. So, no rest for the weary... I'm back to the grindstone. Goodnight!!