Wednesday, June 29, 2011

New Beginnings

I want to send a warm congrats to two dear friends of ours, Anne & Steven. They are expecting their first child in December.It was bittersweet for us to hear the news. However, we couldn't think to two better parents for this new life.

As you can see, they will probably have a little redhead in their future.
This is a pic of Steven holding Drew at 3 months :)

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


This article is deeply disturbing. I was shocked at the comparison to the Pledge with the Communist Manifesto.

In recent local news, a lawyer refused to say the Pledge in court & the judge ordered him in contempt. The judge has since been penalized and the lawyer was publicly apologized to.

Are Americans really that un-patriotic? It seems so. Why is this ruffling my feathers? Because I'm an American. My forefathers fought & died to give us freedom. However, they would be shocked that while they fought for that right, we now consider it in poor taste to even mention acts of patriotism.

Yes, I believe we all have the right to not pledge & even burn our flag. But when did we say that it's now "un-American" to be patriotic?! Why is it politically incorrect to show respect to our government, our leaders, our military, and our heritage.

America used to stand for something, used to symbolize something. I'm not sure we stand for anything anymore. Where is the line in the sand? When are we going to stop letting the vocal whims of a few dictate how the rest of us act? America used to be a superpower. Are are now "the land of the free and home of the brat?"

Monday, June 27, 2011

Sidewalk Chalk

Drew doesn't handle crayons very well. He prefers to eat them.

However, he does handle sidewalk chalk pretty well.......with the exception that he draws on everything & everybody (which is fine b/c it's not permanent/non-staining).

Of course, we got into the act too!!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day

Today, my (kk) family has lost a great love. My Mammaw has gone to celebrate Father's Day with her heavenly Father.

Please be in prayer for our family for the days to follow. Thank you dear friends.

Thursday, June 16, 2011


Thank you friends that have been praying for us.....and have sent me the most beautiful emails.

A quote that was shared with me this morning, rang so true.....
“It does not have to be well with your circumstances to be well with your soul.”

We know that we are still healing from the physical, emotional, and spiritual wounds. However, we know that God is bigger. Our trust is in Him. Not once in all of this have we questioned God, asked "why us?", or faltered in our belief that Christ is holding us firmly. The hardest part has been the hurt of simply having to walk this path. We would not have chosen this for ourselves. Who would?

Psalm 23 refers to the valley of the shadow of death. I believe that's what we walked through. The shadow of death covered our circumstances. The shadow is now gone. However, the ache of it remains.

The financial stuff will work out. It's just money. We'll never have enough & it doesn't matter anyway because you can't take it with you. We've lived on much less while we were putting ourselves through school. We can do it again.

Thank you dear friends for lifting us up. Our hearts are full of love for each of you.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Crunch Time

With Medical Bills pouring in, we are in a pinch. We had a rather large yard sale 2 weeks ago & made enough to make a few payments on them.

However, in order to pay off one of our outstanding debts by the end of the year, we need to eat on $1/day. Looks like a lot of rice & beans in our future. As if going through the last several weeks weren't tough enough, this has sent me over the edge.

I am officially depressed.

Monday, June 13, 2011

18 Month Photoshoot

Foster Photography
If link doesn't work for you, here's the URL

Click on the Clients Tab
P/W: Keeney2
(Password is case sensitive).

The online gallery will only be up for a week. So, check it out fast!!

You can see why we love our photographer!!

One thing is for sure, our baby is gone.......he is all little boy in these pics.
Our favorites are of Drew in the overalls....perfect fit for the location we chose.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

18 month update

This photo is copyrighted by Foster Photography & is a sneek peak from Drew's 18 month photoshoot last weekend. You can see why we love our photographer! When all the pics are posted, we'll send out a link for all to see & enjoy.

Well, it's been a little bit since I've (kk) posted. We've been through some tough waters, but we are still afloat. Thanks for your all your prayers. God is good.

I thought I'd give an update on all things Drew. (I haven't done that in a while).

18 Months
New Love = Thomas the Train or "Choo-Choo"
Teeth Count = 17 (I think)
3rd Haircut = via Momma Karen
Clothes Size = 24months (2T in some t-shirts)
Diaper Size = 4 Pampers Cruisers
Favorite New Snack = Cheerios (the original, peanut allergies to all the rest)
Latest Fad = Smashing Bubbles (whether you blow them or in the bathtub)
Worst Upset = Washing his hair (ie, getting his face wet)
New Introduction = The potty (but he's not used it yet)
New Thing= saying "knock-knock" while knocking on a door with his thumb & pointing finger.
Affection = kisses on demand (well, about 50% of the time), hugs too
Night time buddy - snuggly lion, he loves to cuddle with it at night & in the morning
Naps = 11am-1pm & 5-7pm
Vocabulary = 2 word sentences (ex: Bye-Bye Choo, Nite-Nite Momma)

Mo = More
Uh = Up
Balk = Ball (which means anything round: ball, peas, fried okra, eggs etc.)
Choo-Choo = Train, Thomas the Train
Bah-Bal = Bubble
Dah = Done (As in, "All Done")