Monday, November 16, 2009

T-Minus 12 days.....

T-minus 12 days……and hopefully, counting down!! We are both so ready to have this baby!!

FYI- If I hear another person tell me to ENJOY my sleep now…. I will go postal!!! I’m barely getting any sleep at all. Plus, I get up EVERY hour to use the restroom. So, either you don’t remember what it is like at 9 ½ months pregnant OR you have no idea what you’re talking about…….and I will seriously have “A Come Apart”!!

We’ve been staying pretty active….lots of walking, etc. Plus, a lot of spicy food here lately too. So, we’re doing all that we can without medical intervention to hurry this baby along. However, I think it’s settled in for a “long winter’s nap…”

Now that we’re officially considered “Full-term”……we would like to see this baby arrive sooner rather than later.

We’ll try to keep everyone “posted”!!

1 comment:

Sarah W. said...

I can honestly say from experience that you will actually sleep better once the baby is here! You will be up a lot with him/her, but when you sleep, you actually sleep! Unlike now when sleeping is more of a chore!
So I agree with you....enjoying sleep at 9 months pregnant is impossible!