Friday, January 6, 2012

Sweeter than Honey

How sweet are your words to my taste,
sweeter than honey to my mouth!
Psalm 119:103

I have been meditating on Psalm 119 this week. This particular verse touched my heart just now. It was such a beautiful word picture for me. Drew loves having honey on his biscuit for breakfast. In fact, if he won't finish his breakfast (waffle, biscuit, pancake,etc)...he will always finish if you put a little honey on it for him (even if he already has syrup or jelly on his plate). There is something particularly special about that honey bear.

If honey is so wonderful, how much more wonderful are your words to me?! I've been so comforted by the Word recently.It's been balm to my weary soul.

My heart is heavy by all the circumstances that surround me. Yet, I'm comforted by the most delicious heart food.

Many try to find pleasure from the things of this world. Many try to find redemption by acts of charity. I'm feasting on the Word of Life. Seconds Please!!

1 comment:

Beverly Wooley said...

Yep - LOVE it - nothing satisfies the hungry soul like the Word - truly HE fills us with good things! Love you - so glad to find your blog(s)! Beverly