Wednesday, February 9, 2011

New Drew Moments

For a quick catch up on some of Drew's milestones/funny antics/wonderful stage that he's in.......

Drew's favorite toys:
Books, Books, Books
The boy loves books!! He loves to read his books on his own, but really loves to come sit in your lap & sit down for a read. He will pick out a book (or two or three or four) and bring it to you. Then, he turns around & backs up with his little booty to sit down on your lap. Sometimes, his aim is off...which is hilarious. Love these moments!!

His new word: CAR
For the last several months, Drew has been obsessed with cars. He loves to stand on the sidewalk/yard & watch the cars go by. Even if we're inside, he stands at the front door & watches the cars. He has even learned the "sign" word for car.
We have lots of tractor stuff as well around the house, but they are "cars" to Drew as well.
He has begun to play with his push/riding cars in a new way. His new daredevil act is to stand on one of this cars & jump/rock.....which in more times than not, ends up in a fall of some sort.
He can pick out a car in person, in books & me, he knows all things CAR.

He has 12 teeth!!
We discovered yesterday that 4 molars have appeared over this past month (out of the blue). We believe this played a role in why he remained sick for so long (because his body was going through another bout of teething). While it is terribly cute right now, Drew definitely has David's patented front teeth gap. David had the same thing as a child. I'm not in the least worried about it though. I'm sure with David & I both having had braces in our past, Drew is destined for the same fate. Plus, he's so cute!! Who cares?!

Drew's New Discovery:
That you don't have to just receive tickles, you can give them too. He first discovered that he could tickle me (about 4 weeks+ ago). However, Drew has so much more fun with he & Momma tag team & tickle Daddy together!!

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