Monday, July 14, 2008

Well, I don't have pics to post. I wish I did. My (kk) mom came to visit us (from New Mexico). So, as you can see.....we've had a lot of traffic come through our place!! She loves our new place as much as we do. She showed off pictures of their new home in Hobbs. They even have a few trees in their yard (a rare thing out there!!). We didn't do anything grand. We grilled out, went to some great restaurants (sushi, catfish, steakhouse), had band practice, church....etc. Oh, and the power went out again. I note that particularly....b/c the power went out when David's folks were here. This time it wasn't the weather though. A transformer blew. So, our evening of watching a movie was altered a bit.

Our lawnmower is still broken, but a co-worker (that lives 2 blocks away) lent us theirs. So, we finally cut the grass & didn't look so ghetto over the weekend. We picked up an old porch glider at an estate sale this weekend. I started sanding it yesterday and hopefully....I'll post pics of my latest project....

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