Friday, April 4, 2008


Well, it has been one of those of those, that you are just plain glad for it to be over. We've had one headache after another, but it's Friday & rest is on the way.

My little brother (K) is home (He works out in Texas for a big oil company... I know, it's like working for the devil...he's the only one I know that smiles when filling up on gas...he says that it's paying his salary !!) David has a big weather conference this evening and tomorrow........So, I hope to get away and see Matt for a bit. I haven't seen him since October (at my other brother's wedding). I miss that boy. We have always been close. It's tough for me to rarely see him.

A Shout-Out for our Dad(Dale): Happy Birthday!! We hope it was wonderful & full of some R&R!!

Yet another Prayer Request:
A coworker's sister passed away this week. She found out last Friday she had lung cancer and passed away this Monday night. It was so quick. Please pray for their family. My coworker lost her husband a few years ago to cancer as well. So, it is such a sensitive and tender time for her.

1 comment:

b.mofoto said...

WOW! Thanks so much for the blog love:). God is good and He is totally overwhelming me right now. His provision is more than I could've asked for.

I would LOVE to do a session with ya'll. I love doing couples. It's always a blast for me to connect with couples through my lens and capture their love.

I look forward to keeping up!