Friday, April 25, 2008

Moving On Up!!......Jefferson Style

We have officially moved out of the ghetto.... or at least to a better ghetto anyway! We're excited about having more room.....downside, no storage space. We are swimming in cardboard!! I still can't find anything. We have yet to clean our apt & hopefully, get our deposit back. Every dime will help!

We've been so busy the last few weeks. I've hardly had time to do anything.
We have a new dog. I keep meaning to take his picture, but forget when I go home. He's precious, smart, and HUGE!! We could put a saddle on him for the neighborhood kids to ride!

We've been letting the grass grow (it looks awful) but it's for a good purpose. There are all these surprises lurking everywhere. There are random flowers scattered all around. We are trying to dig them up and put them in some semblance of order. Hopefully, we'll get the yard mowed sometime before our neighbors go crazy!!

I can't even discuss what work has been like this week. I need a weekend, like never before. Only God's grace has carried me. I'm so thankful to have the LORD and His WORD to comfort my soul. David has been gone all week.......and it's probably for the best. I would have turned to him instead on falling to my knees. God's timing and Will is so much bigger and greater than I give Him credit for.

We have a lot to accomplish this weekend. We need to clean our apt tonight. We're moving a needy young couple Saturday.....and still hoping to make it to the March for Babies in support of a precious young couple that lost their baby girl last year (I blogged about it last year on my xanga). Supper Club. Worship Practice. Church. Mow yard. Buy fencing materials from Lowes........and somewhere along the way, try to unpack a few more boxes.

1 comment:

Gibbarella said...

You have a puppy!a house!wow! I know everything will work out and fall into place. Take a little time to breathe and then get back at it.
Love you