Monday, July 11, 2011

Drew 19 Month Update

I tend to forget to do this monthly updates on Drew. So, before it's too goes.

-Potty training has officially begun.
---Gone pee-pee in the potty (twice)
---Wears pull-ups or underwear (unless napping or nighttime)
---Loves reading our potty book
-Has begun to sleep with both Mr. Lion & Mr. Bear at night.
-Loves Thomas the Train
-Can say his name, which he pronounces "Dew"
-Can count to "two"
-Loves hotdogs, which he calls "Dot-dogs"
(He loves all cars, but has a new fondness for hotwheels/matchbox cars). He will carry 3-4 around the house for hours....& I mean hours.
-Is still as independent as ever
---Loves to brush his own teeth
---Loves to feed himself
---Loves to drink from a straw or cup (versus a sippy cup)
---Likes to sit at the dining room table to eat (not in a high chair or booster) or just to sit in the big dining chairs to play with his cars on the table
-Hates to wear clothes/OR loves to escape in the middle of changing & run around the house naked as a jaybird......not sure which one
-Loves to blow raspberries on Momma's tummy
-Loves to bounce on Momma/Daddy's tummy
-Likes to lay down on the floor & look under the furniture to see if there are any toys under there
-Likes to put on Momma's flip-flops or Daddy's shoes & walk around the house (don't worry no high heels)
-Likes to point out our neighbor's cats, which he pronounces "Dat"
-Loves to bounce on Momma & Daddy's bed
(He likes to ask to get "up" on the bed. Instead of up, he pronounces it more like "ugh", but we understand it.
-Loves to run & hide
-Loves to chase the dog around the house (much to Logan's chagrin)
-Started using two word sentences
--Example: "More juice, More Dot-Dog, Momma more, More Da-Da"

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