I tend to forget to do this monthly updates on Drew. So, before it's too late...here goes.
-Potty training has officially begun.
---Gone pee-pee in the potty (twice)
---Wears pull-ups or underwear (unless napping or nighttime)
---Loves reading our potty book
-Has begun to sleep with both Mr. Lion & Mr. Bear at night.
-Loves Thomas the Train
-Can say his name, which he pronounces "Dew"
-Can count to "two"
-Loves hotdogs, which he calls "Dot-dogs"
(He loves all cars, but has a new fondness for hotwheels/matchbox cars). He will carry 3-4 around the house for hours....& I mean hours.
-Is still as independent as ever
---Loves to brush his own teeth
---Loves to feed himself
---Loves to drink from a straw or cup (versus a sippy cup)
---Likes to sit at the dining room table to eat (not in a high chair or booster) or just to sit in the big dining chairs to play with his cars on the table
-Hates to wear clothes/OR loves to escape in the middle of changing & run around the house naked as a jaybird......not sure which one
-Loves to blow raspberries on Momma's tummy
-Loves to bounce on Momma/Daddy's tummy
-Likes to lay down on the floor & look under the furniture to see if there are any toys under there
-Likes to put on Momma's flip-flops or Daddy's shoes & walk around the house (don't worry no high heels)
-Likes to point out our neighbor's cats, which he pronounces "Dat"
-Loves to bounce on Momma & Daddy's bed
(He likes to ask to get "up" on the bed. Instead of up, he pronounces it more like "ugh", but we understand it.
-Loves to run & hide
-Loves to chase the dog around the house (much to Logan's chagrin)
-Started using two word sentences
--Example: "More juice, More Dot-Dog, Momma more, More Da-Da"
Monday, July 11, 2011
Planes, Trains, and Automobiles
Well, this post is mainly for the latter of the three afore mentioned forms of transportation.
Our family (dk) has had a bad streak of luck recently.
David's mom was in a car accident just a few weeks ago. Then, we found out this weekend that David's grandparents were in an accident last week.
Thankfully, no one has been seriously injured. However, it is definitely not without some complications.
Please be in prayer for our family that is having to work out the details of car shuffling, repairs, minor injuries, etc.
(The photo is of David's parents & grandparents).
Weekend of Fun

We love playing outside. However, it is usually too hot to spend too much time outside lately. Drew doesn't seem to mind the heat & loves to watch the cars & trains as much as possible.
As you can see in the second image, we've been working in the yard. I wish we could make more progress. It's tough though. We try to work outside while Drew is down for a nap. So, it's never enough time. We could easily spend 20 hours a week in our yard........ if only I could get paid to work around my own house :)
Update: Drew has pee-peed in the potty twice now. So, hopefully we are making some progress. We aren't forcing him. However, we have made it a habit to sit him on the potty once an hour (except for naps & bedtime).
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Mini-Arch Reunion on the 4th
Once or twice a year, I try to get together with a few of my girlfriends from Arc. School. Two of my dear friends have parents in my area......so, when we all happen to be around, we try to get together. We normally bring our hubbies & kids along.
However, this time I flew solo. My parents came to town & David stayed with Drew & my folks as I went & had some girl time.
As you can see, it was lots of girl time.....little girl time. It was so sweet to be around all the girls (Kelly & her daughter, Amelia + Lacie Carole & her daughter, Ragan Carroll). Those little girls were so sweet & loving. [I have to steal my hugs & kisses from Drew for the most part]. These girls were so precious.....love, love, loved it.
Thanks for great visit Gibby & L.C.!!
4th of July = Big Boy
Drew wore his first pair of big boy underwear this weekend. We only used them for a few hours, but he did great. We are in the early stages of potty training & we took advantage of the long weekend.
Here are a couple of cute pics of Drew & David that just make me smile. Look how cool they are!! You can't help but smile!!
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