Tuesday, June 28, 2011


This article is deeply disturbing. I was shocked at the comparison to the Pledge with the Communist Manifesto.

In recent local news, a lawyer refused to say the Pledge in court & the judge ordered him in contempt. The judge has since been penalized and the lawyer was publicly apologized to.

Are Americans really that un-patriotic? It seems so. Why is this ruffling my feathers? Because I'm an American. My forefathers fought & died to give us freedom. However, they would be shocked that while they fought for that right, we now consider it in poor taste to even mention acts of patriotism.

Yes, I believe we all have the right to not pledge & even burn our flag. But when did we say that it's now "un-American" to be patriotic?! Why is it politically incorrect to show respect to our government, our leaders, our military, and our heritage.

America used to stand for something, used to symbolize something. I'm not sure we stand for anything anymore. Where is the line in the sand? When are we going to stop letting the vocal whims of a few dictate how the rest of us act? America used to be a superpower. Are are now "the land of the free and home of the brat?"

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