Thursday, June 16, 2011


Thank you friends that have been praying for us.....and have sent me the most beautiful emails.

A quote that was shared with me this morning, rang so true.....
“It does not have to be well with your circumstances to be well with your soul.”

We know that we are still healing from the physical, emotional, and spiritual wounds. However, we know that God is bigger. Our trust is in Him. Not once in all of this have we questioned God, asked "why us?", or faltered in our belief that Christ is holding us firmly. The hardest part has been the hurt of simply having to walk this path. We would not have chosen this for ourselves. Who would?

Psalm 23 refers to the valley of the shadow of death. I believe that's what we walked through. The shadow of death covered our circumstances. The shadow is now gone. However, the ache of it remains.

The financial stuff will work out. It's just money. We'll never have enough & it doesn't matter anyway because you can't take it with you. We've lived on much less while we were putting ourselves through school. We can do it again.

Thank you dear friends for lifting us up. Our hearts are full of love for each of you.

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