Sorry, it's been a long hiatus. Only about 8 people read this blog anymore, and it's just hard to find the time....especially now that I'm exhausted 24/7.
Baby ED Update: For the record, I'll be 20 weeks on Wednesday. The baby is kicking, twirling, stomping, flipping, and nudging without end. This weekend, it felt like my appendix was exploding, but it was just ED. David can even feel the kicks...
when I can predict them. They are usually so random. We had another ultrasound last week. ED was moving so much that the technician had to get another more experienced lady to take over. David posted several pictures from the ultrasound on his facebook. However, the pics are on his computer...which is currently on the fritz....and our camera is dead at the moment. So, no pics this post. For the curious, NOPE...we're not finding out the sex. Everyone can blame me- it was my call. Women for centuries & millenia carried their children without knowing. I keep hearing things like...well, what do I buy you then? If in doubt, just wait till I deliver. That's more accurate than any sonogram any day of the week. LOL. The nursery colors are red, chocolate brown, and yellow. Plus, if you know me-- you know how much
I LOVE SURPRISES!! My belly is huge...although, nothing compared to what it "will" become. Every time David sees me in profile, he smiles so big. He's so excited...he can barely contain himself. He's going to be such a wonderful Daddy!! I'm extremely blessed to have him as a husband and father of our child. God is better to me than I deserve.
Friends Update:David got to visit with some friends from Texas last week in Starkville. Plus, he got Little Dooey's in the process... so, of course, he loved it.
We've been able to visit our friend, Anna, twice in Memphis in the last month or so. I love my new friends, but old friends just can't be topped. They understand you in completely different and deeper ways. I wish we lived closer!
Church Update: We have a new minister of music at our church. Yay!! His first day was yesterday. The praise band still has to figure out how to work with him. His style is very different than Tracy, but he's a great guy. So, we're looking forward to it. Plus, it means that I no longer have to direct the choir!! Yay!! I've been filling in for almost a year now. While I "can" do this, David & I both believe God was not calling me to do that for more than an "interim" period. It was nice to sit back and enjoy singing with the choir Sunday morning!!
Jack update: Our precious boy, Jack, was diagnosed less than 2 weeks ago with dilated cardiomyopathy (congestive heart failure). So, his prognosis isn't very good. It's fatal, with a time frame of 3-6 months. I can't tell you how much I've cried over this (the hormones don't help either)! This is a common problem in older doberman pinschers. So, the vet's told us he is much older than they originally thought. We always thought so. He's such a laid back dude (not the typical energy level of a young dog). He has spoiled us for any future dog. He's sharp, learns fast, loves us thru & thru, guards our house (like a true dobe), and is always happy to see us. While David was in Starkville for the better part the last few years, Jack has been my constant companion.... although, admittedly, he's a Daddy's boy. He follows David everywhere. So, it will be very difficult for both of us..when he's no longer around. He has been part of our family. He goes where we go. He would always spend his days outside playing, and inside with us every evening. Now, he gets to stay out of the heat...and lounge all day inside with the A/C. We are spoiling him rotten: a new doggie bed, new toys, new heart friendly treats, and more loving than he can handle.
For those of you that have not just had dogs/cats, but true pets... you know how hard it is to lose them. They become part of your family. Please be in prayer for us. We were in the process of training Jack for our new, we're trying to prepare ourselves that he won't be around when ED arrives. So, this time for us is bitter sweet.