Monday, July 27, 2009


Well, we've had to wait a bit to be able to share about Jack. He passed away Thursday-July 16th. We took these final pictures with him that afternoon.

We buried him at my family's place in the country...under a beautiful grove of oak trees. My family had a place ready for him when we got there, even a welded cross.

We miss him every day. I miss his cold nose waking me in the morning. I miss his sweet face pressing under my hand begging me to love on him. I miss the way he played with his stuffed animals and carried his blanket around the house. I miss the way he was attached to David like glue. I miss his excitement and tail wagging when I came home every day. He has set the bar really high for all future four-legged children...and maybe even ED. I still cry thinking of him.. he was my sweet-boy. He always will be my first baby boy. Jack, we will always love you!!