Friday, December 19, 2008


Friday, December 19, 2008
Today's Writing Prompt: Weather

Write about how the weather affects you emotionally, or recall a weather-related memory.

I suscribe to another blog that asks you to spend one minute writing about a different topic every day. I find that it gets the creative juices going. Here's my one minute on today's topic “Weather”:

I always find that these topics remind me of people, not places or things. Today, I thought of my husband, David. He has more excitement about all things weather related than any other person on this planet. Although, when he gets excited…..the rest of us should be worried. The more severe, the more his excitement grows. I find that I no longer trust TV weathermen (not that anyone ever does). I just call my own personal meteorologist for any query I have. After we got married, we both got certified to be storm spotters for the National Weather Service. I’m not sure there was anything greater for me to do with him than to share in his world. “Whether” or not anyone cares, he’ll always be my weatherman.

1 comment:

Susan P. said...

that's super cool! i want to be a certified weather spotter!! haha...thanks for sharing with us :)