Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Unborn Are Not the Only Victims

 Ok, so it's been a while since I got on my soapbox....

Last week, a young woman (24) died from complications from an abortion. I definitely don't have all the information, but I did find that she was out of her first trimester. Also, she had a cervical dilation and evacuation (which is typical for a 2nd trimester abortion). The abortion was performed at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Chicago. For descriptions of a D&E, click here. (Warning: the descriptions & images are graphic.)

Illinois has some of the loosest laws/regulations for abortion in the U.S. …………..Sadly, Illinois does not even require that a licensed physician perform abortions, unless it is after viability (24 weeks). Abortionists are not required to counsel the women on any negative side effects: breast cancer link, fetal pain, negative psychological effects, or use of an ultrasound. Therefore, there is no waiting period for requesting an abortion.

"Globally, "the 10 to 15% of all abortions that take place after the first trimester cause approximately two-thirds of all major complications and half of all abortion-related maternal deaths."56

I’m staunchly against any form of abortion. However, I believe Mississippi’s latest law might have saved this young girl’s life. What if the person performing this abortion was a credentialed OBGYN & had admitting privileges?! Yes, I am pro-life. That  means"all life", in this case, the mother should be protected as well. Sadly, two lives were lost.

How many more shall we lose?

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