Thursday, May 22, 2008

One Unlocked Door

The most amazing thing happened last night……. We were at band practice (which occurs after church & everyone else has gone home). The all doors are normally locked before a single note is played. Last night, one wasn’t. We were practicing a brand new song…..and we all turn to see 3 small heads pop in the front door. They heard the music and wanted to listen. Whom, you may ask? 3 neighborhood kids… [Sidebar: Our church is in a predominantly African-American community….and yet, we have not reached out to our community… the ways of the old South die hard. There are several of us that have been praying for months about God allowing us opportunity to reach out & show God’s love to those in the shadow of our steeple. A few weeks ago a young black lady came to know the Lord in our little church..during our practice time!!! Another soul saved!! And the doors were opened!! We have asked for God to show us how to reach out……and He has simply answered, “I will bring them to you!”]
Back to the story, we were practicing as these 3 precious ones came in. They were very sweet & respectful. They sat & listened while we played…..then, they started swaying and clapping along. When we were done, they erupted in cheers and accolades!! Of course, they wanted to then sing too…. microphones are like magnets to all kids!! So, we taught them a few songs……and even got part of it recorded. After several minutes of this, they had to get home for their curfews. We all had huge smiles plastered on our faces……refreshed, rejoiced, and rejuvenated. God is at work around us. Our church has been through so many struggles. It is so amazing to see God truly at work around us……thru us. All it took was one unlocked door.

1 comment:

b.mofoto said...

Thank you so much for your words. I cried as I read them and I know they were from your heart. I don't know that her walking away is a permanent thing (that's the hard part). She just doesn't like me right now because I've exposed some things in her life to the light of God's truth. That's the hardest part is watching her walk away from Him. If I ache this much does the Father's heart ache for us as He watches us follow our own way.