Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Family Pics
Our sister, Kelly, sent some pics to us this weekend. I just had to share!! Here's some of our niece and nephew!! Aren't they cuties?!

Thursday, May 22, 2008
One Unlocked Door
The most amazing thing happened last night……. We were at band practice (which occurs after church & everyone else has gone home). The all doors are normally locked before a single note is played. Last night, one wasn’t. We were practicing a brand new song…..and we all turn to see 3 small heads pop in the front door. They heard the music and wanted to listen. Whom, you may ask? 3 neighborhood kids… [Sidebar: Our church is in a predominantly African-American community….and yet, we have not reached out to our community… the ways of the old South die hard. There are several of us that have been praying for months about God allowing us opportunity to reach out & show God’s love to those in the shadow of our steeple. A few weeks ago a young black lady came to know the Lord in our little church..during our practice time!!! Another soul saved!! And the doors were opened!! We have asked for God to show us how to reach out……and He has simply answered, “I will bring them to you!”]
Back to the story, we were practicing as these 3 precious ones came in. They were very sweet & respectful. They sat & listened while we played…..then, they started swaying and clapping along. When we were done, they erupted in cheers and accolades!! Of course, they wanted to then sing too…. microphones are like magnets to all kids!! So, we taught them a few songs……and even got part of it recorded. After several minutes of this, they had to get home for their curfews. We all had huge smiles plastered on our faces……refreshed, rejoiced, and rejuvenated. God is at work around us. Our church has been through so many struggles. It is so amazing to see God truly at work around us……thru us. All it took was one unlocked door.
Back to the story, we were practicing as these 3 precious ones came in. They were very sweet & respectful. They sat & listened while we played…..then, they started swaying and clapping along. When we were done, they erupted in cheers and accolades!! Of course, they wanted to then sing too…. microphones are like magnets to all kids!! So, we taught them a few songs……and even got part of it recorded. After several minutes of this, they had to get home for their curfews. We all had huge smiles plastered on our faces……refreshed, rejoiced, and rejuvenated. God is at work around us. Our church has been through so many struggles. It is so amazing to see God truly at work around us……thru us. All it took was one unlocked door.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Research Grant
There just never seems like time to blog anymore. I try to make sure I get on here every week or so. Time slips by so quickly.
I just wanted to say a quick congrats & praise report for David!! He just found out today that his funding/grant came through for his summer school. School is supposed to start in a little over a week & we still had not heard. Thankfully, our prayers were answered!! I think David’s were plentiful……..He definitely didn’t want to work at Red Lobster again!! Sometimes, it’s just nice to use that expensive education we’ve worked so hard for. God is good.
So, it seems beginning in June…..David will only be home on the weekends…… His grant work & classes just make it unfeasible for him to be home anymore often. It will be tough. I’ve enjoyed having him home so much the last week or two. He was gone last summer too……so, I guess it seems it’s par for the course for us. Frankly, I’ll take whatever the Lord blesses us with………and David’s grant paying for most of his school is definitely a blessing!!!
I just wanted to say a quick congrats & praise report for David!! He just found out today that his funding/grant came through for his summer school. School is supposed to start in a little over a week & we still had not heard. Thankfully, our prayers were answered!! I think David’s were plentiful……..He definitely didn’t want to work at Red Lobster again!! Sometimes, it’s just nice to use that expensive education we’ve worked so hard for. God is good.
So, it seems beginning in June…..David will only be home on the weekends…… His grant work & classes just make it unfeasible for him to be home anymore often. It will be tough. I’ve enjoyed having him home so much the last week or two. He was gone last summer too……so, I guess it seems it’s par for the course for us. Frankly, I’ll take whatever the Lord blesses us with………and David’s grant paying for most of his school is definitely a blessing!!!
Monday, May 12, 2008
Mother's Day Weekend
Sadly, neither of us got to spend time with or see our Mother’s this weekend. We did get to talk to both of them Sunday! However, Friday night we traveled to spend some time with my maternal grandmother (for Mother’s Day). It was a quick trip. We packed up & drove down Friday evening…….then, left at 12noon Saturday. It was the first time my grandparents got to meet Jack. Thankfully, he was a good boy…….and we’ve discovered, a good traveler too!! I wish we could have stayed longer. It turns out my little brother showed up at my grandparents about 30minutes after we were on the road. Bummer. Hopefully, he & his wife can come for a visit before he heads back to Texas.
Our sod came in Saturday afternoon, and we spent the rest of the day & Sunday afternoon laying it. We got about halfway done. I (kk) wasn’t as much help as David. I just moved sod from the pallet to the wheelbarrow & then dropped the sod from the wheel barrow to the ground (where David did most of the hard work). I was the designated cutter (b/c I’m the perfectionist). David was new to laying sod…..so, it was good we started it together. We make a pretty good team. We’re both pretty sore today though. Ironically, the sidewalk looked pretty good compared to the yard before………now, it looks awful. We’ll need to tackle that at some point in the future.
We also finished painting our bistro table & chairs for the porch. They were bright green. They needed sanding & re-painting (a deep red) for their new home. Maybe one of these days we can put up a porch swing!!....... not this year though. We’re just trying to get the major things done.
We have yet to really do much on the inside. We are still living in a cardboard kingdom!
David would do a much better job than I describing the weather we’ve had lately….. We had tornadoes come thru Tupelo last Thursday & then again Saturday. David, of course, went storm chasing Thursday & watched the tornado come thru. He loved it! There was also an earthquake in Sherman (that was felt here in Tupelo).
Our sod came in Saturday afternoon, and we spent the rest of the day & Sunday afternoon laying it. We got about halfway done. I (kk) wasn’t as much help as David. I just moved sod from the pallet to the wheelbarrow & then dropped the sod from the wheel barrow to the ground (where David did most of the hard work). I was the designated cutter (b/c I’m the perfectionist). David was new to laying sod…..so, it was good we started it together. We make a pretty good team. We’re both pretty sore today though. Ironically, the sidewalk looked pretty good compared to the yard before………now, it looks awful. We’ll need to tackle that at some point in the future.
We also finished painting our bistro table & chairs for the porch. They were bright green. They needed sanding & re-painting (a deep red) for their new home. Maybe one of these days we can put up a porch swing!!....... not this year though. We’re just trying to get the major things done.
We have yet to really do much on the inside. We are still living in a cardboard kingdom!
David would do a much better job than I describing the weather we’ve had lately….. We had tornadoes come thru Tupelo last Thursday & then again Saturday. David, of course, went storm chasing Thursday & watched the tornado come thru. He loved it! There was also an earthquake in Sherman (that was felt here in Tupelo).
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
A few pics
Here's a pic of our newly finished fence........and (drumroll).....Jack!!!
Jack is happily enjoying spending "unleashed" time outdoors. We still bring him in at night. He's loving every second of his freedom. One thing we have discovered. When we are outside, he comes and lays near us constantly ears pointed & on guard. Our precious little watchdog!!
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