Tuesday, November 15, 2011

23 months +

In less than a week, my little boy is going to be 2 years old. I can still remember his birth like it was yesterday. I wish that we could have given him a sibling this year, but God's plans are bigger than ours. I want to celebrate the life of my precious Drew for a few minutes & give an update of how full our life is with him in it.

Favorite toys: Cars, Trains

Inside activities:Painting, Coloring, Skipping, Singing & Dancing (& CARS!!) & bubble baths

Favorite Outside activities:
Playing with his dump trucks, picking up sticks, kicking leaves, drawing with sidewalk chaulk, giving the scarecrow high-fives, & jumping off the steps & porch, playing on the swingset & playing fetch with the dog.

Favorite movies:
Nemo & The Great Pumpkin (Charlie Brown)
(This is a little bit deceiving b/c these are the ONLY things that he watches).

Potty Time:
We're a hit or miss on this one. He loves to play & doesn't want to stop to go potty...so, we either do or don't. But he does use the potty at least once a day between school & home.

Drew loves food!! He loves anything cheesy!
Favorite Foods:
Spaghetti/Lasagna, hot dogs, chicken nuggets, butter beans, purple hull peas, green beans & rolls

Drew is down to one nap a day (12noon-2pm) & goes to bed at 7:30pm every night. Routine has been a blessing in our home!!

Classic statements:
BIG stinky
NO (yes, we have hit the NO phase)
watch Nemo
Drew wa-wa (water)
BIG wellwoe car (for yellow school bus)
Matt car (any truck pulling a trailer)

Funny moments:
Wearing DaDa's shoes
Skipping through the house
Jumping off of EVERYTHING
Playing hide & seek
Feeding the dog when we aren't looking
Playing tag with the dog

Imitation is the best form of flattery:
My (kk) dad came a few weeks back & he cut some concrete blocks for us & broke the ends off with a hammer. Now, Drew loves to bust rocks with a hammer...& now likes to hammer in general.
David's folks came a few weeks back too & David's mom knocked a dead limb that was hanging in tree down with a stick. Now, Drew loves to hit branches with a stick...trying to knock the limbs off like Grandma did.

Beautiful moments:
Hugging the dog
Hugging & kissing his stuffed animals
Saying "A-MEAN" (Amen) after every prayer
Saying please & thank you
Running into our arms when he sees us for the first time in the afternoons/evenings
Wanting to be held in the mornings when he is still waking up
Of course, hugging & kissing us.......it doesn't get any better

I can't imagine life without our little guy. Life would just be pretty boring. We love you Drew & know that God has big plans in store. We pray blessings over your life.

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