Easter is my favorite holiday!! What can be greater than celebrating our Risen Lord?!
It's been a family tradition (of mine/kk) to celebrate with an Easter afternoon service at a little church in the country, Spring Grove. It's a little one room church....... that is the picture perfect representation of the "Church in the Wildwood"!!
We hope that if you have never accepted Christ as your Lord & Saviour, there is no time like the present. It is so simple!!
Just pray - "Dear Lord, I know I am a sinner. I know Jesus that you died for my sins. Please forgive me of my sins and come into my heart. Amen."
There's nothing fancy about this. Sin has been overcome. Christ died for our sins. He took them upon Himself at the cross. Then, He arose & conquered death. So, now if we accept Him, we can have eternal life. It's free, it's easier than "googling."
If you read this blog, then you probably know us & know our hearts. You are our friends and family. We love you too much not to share with you this life/death changing experience.
Happy Easter!!
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