Friday, September 24, 2010

9 month wrap-up

Drew turned 10 months on Monday. My how the time passes. He is into everything. One of the best examples.

Last night, we were playing on the floor & He climbed up into my lap, then up onto the coffee table.

He can stand up, unassisted & does so everywhere. It's not just putting stuff up on the counter's making sure it's all the way back on the counter.

He cut his front two teeth! So, 4 teeth total now.

He loves to walk behind his little walker/rider car.

He has a new thing where he screams & we grunt in response....this can go on for several minutes.

Some of his favorite toys are his books. He loves to slide them all over the floor. When he scoots it near us, we lift him into our laps...where we read the books. He touches all the pictures. He always lets us finish every book. I think he gets this from his momma!! :)

He had some professional photos taken for the first time (see previous post).

He is self-sleeping. (ie. We lay him down at night & he goes to sleep....& if he wakes up & starts crying....we leave him alone & let him go right back to sleep). It only took a few days & we are so proud. He's been doing this for almost a month now. I stopped nursing him at 9 months. Thus, this ritual started. I always nursed him before bed. So, when I stopped nursing....I had to stop feeding & rocking him to sleep while he is still young enough.

He is feeding himself quite well (as long as we make it small bites). His favorite foods are pasta & his gerber cheese puff snacks. Soft foods that require utensils, we still have to feed him (though he wants to help).

He definitely has several food allergies, though none are severe. Eggs is a definite. We're still trying to figure out another few.

He has really begun to drink well from a sippy cup. We tried the "beginner cups" at 6months. He never really liked those & would cry. As soon as we gave him a regular sippy cup....he goes to town. He also likes to drink from whatever I am drinking. He actually does amazingly well.

That's about it for now!! If I think of other things, I will post again or update this post.

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