Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Drew's 7 month update

6 Month Milestones
Drew has discovered his wrists. So, that means he rotates & waves his hands a lot.
Drew has discovered his tongue too. So, he sticks it out & twirls it several times a day.
He had his first ear infection.
He has had a terrible infection around his right eye. We thought it was staph & kept him out of daycare for almost 3 weeks. The final results aren't in, but we know it's not staph it's some type of viral infection.
He moved up in baby food stages. Now, he can have combination foods!!
He got to meet his great-grandparents from New Mexico!!

7 Month Milestones
.....he has started crawling!!!!

He came home from daycare yesterday with a blister on his big toe & the dirtiest knees I have ever seen on a baby!! Go Drew!!

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