Friday, May 22, 2009



Well, if we haven’t been able to tell you personally……’s not because we haven’t wanted to. We’ve been overwhelmed with this little SURPRISE!! We’ve been on the phone non-stop over the last week or so trying to tell everyone personally. Although, there’s never enough time!!......especially when I crash as soon I get home at night.

It’s been a rocky road, with a few complications. However, we had the first sonogram yesterday & all is well! We are blessed beyond what would have ever thought possible!!

We are 13 weeks and some change. Baby ED is doing great!! Momma K-rin is nervous….and Daddy David is just plain excited.

For the record: the baby will not be named ED.
If it’s a girl: Ella Elizabeth
If it’s a boy: Drew Thomas
Hence: ED…..and if you guessed that the nickname was the brainchild of David….you would be correct!!

1 comment:

Sarah W. said...

Woo hoo!!!!! Congrats!!! This is so exciting. Can't to find out if you are having Drew or Ella. Yay!!!!! It's always fun being pregnant with others, so I look forward to your updates :)