Thursday, December 20, 2012

Miss Ella looks a Bit Familiar

Looking forward to meeting Miss Ella in a few weeks.
She looks like her big brother & that smile is just as sweet!!

Remembering my sweet boy when he was just a few months old.... But I think they might resemble their Momma a tad bit too!!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

3rd Birthday @ the Firestation

We had 18 kids at the birthday party. It was like herding cats, but it was a great day! Drew enjoyed every minute of it. Thanks for all that came & showed your love for both Drew & firetrucks!!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Pumpkin Patch

Saturday, we took a trek over to the Buffalo Park & went to their annual Pumpkin Patch. We fed baby goats, had a hay ride, explored the corn maze & picked pumpkins. It was a cold & wet Saturday morning, but we bundled up & had a great time! We even had the place to ourselves which was a bonus!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Office Bible Study

I've been praying about my attitude at work. Our pastor's call to our place of ministry in this world has led me to a place I wasn't expecting. He has given me a vision to start a bible study at work. He has laid 1 Corinthians 3:9 "For we are co-workers in God's service; you are God's field, God's building." The context is important as well for many I work with profess Christ but are babes in the Word. I also don't feel worthy of leading them, but I'm praying 2 Timothy 2:15 for my heart. "Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth."
We have completed 3 weeks of bible studies & will have another on Friday. It's been a blessing to prepare & share every week :)

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

God Answering with 2 Little Thieves

I've had several people ask me about the kids. So, here goes! I'll try to start near the beginning to give a little background.

We are an outdoor family. We love playing, gardening and grilling in our yard. Our dog loves to chase the birds & the squirrels.....& the occasional cat that happens into the "wrong" yard.

There are some neighbor kids that their backyard backs up to ours. They will hear us outside & pop their heads up over our fence (which is 6' high) by standing on a chair or bike. The kids are always nice & ask to come over & play. We always told them that was great, but they needed their parents permission [their parents could call us &/or walk them over]. Well, that never materialized........which made us a little sad. Once they threw a ball over the fence, and they jumped the fence & retrieved it. We really had to be hard on this point - that they NEVER come in our yard without one of us. We have a big dog (an 85lb Doberman) that is very territorial & he could easily hurt them. Thankfully, the dog was sleeping on the deck & a train was going, he didn't notice them. However, it scared us pretty bad. The last thing we want is for any one of those kids to get hurt. The Spirit laid it upon me to really reach out to those kids.I prayed & prayed for opportunity to witness & share Christ's love. So much of me was beating myself up that I wasn't at home more to make myself available.

Well, a few weeks ago David's parents were slated for a visit. I had had a long week at work, with a lot of driving & construction site visits. So, needless to say.......the house was a wreck. His parents were going to arrive around lunch on Saturday. Saturday morning arrived & I desperately needed to wash my dishes & clean the bathrooms. At 8am, we had already had breakfast & were starting our day. I sent David & Drew into the backyard to go play for an hour or, that I could clean quickly (you know girls I love the help, but sometimes we can do it quicker ourselves). I set out some water for them & told them that inside was off limits for a while. Well, I had barely begun when David came in 5 minutes later & asked where Drew's tricycle & little red wagon were. I told him they were in the shed. He quickly responded that they weren't outside at all. .........and I knew, I instantly knew. The neighbor kids had jumped the fence & stolen the toys.

As a side note: I should mention that the tricycle was Drew's 1st birthday & Christmas gift from David & I. It was a metal vintage style radio flyer that was very expensive. The wagon - well it's more sentimental. It had belonged to my grandmother that passed away last year & left it to her only great grandchild (at the time). It was a classic radio flyer wagon from the 1960's. Don't get me wrong it wasn't in mint condition the paint was faded & the wagon had a lot of rust on the inside.........but it was a treasure to me.

Back to the story: I told David what I thought had happened & that we needed to go & take care of business right then. I'm not sure David would have ever confronted the family.......he's much more easy-going. However, it was the thought of the wagon that had me fired up. David was concerned that we didn't have proof & that the parents might not care regardless. He also wasn't sure which of the 3 houses (that backed our property) the kids lived in. Fortunately, I knew. So, even though it was 8am -- this Mama was fired up. We decided to drive around the block, instead of walking. As soon as we rounded the corner, in the front yard of the house lay Drew's tricycle broken & busted up laying in the front yard of the house. So, we got out - I grabbed it & knocked on the front door. (I should mention that the kids had told us on several occasions that Mom or Dad was at, we knew they worked.......which was another incentive to go ahead before possibly left for their jobs). So, the mother answered the door.......and with the tricycle in hand explained that we believed that her kids had jumped our fence, stolen our son's toys, and even broken some of them. It was obvious that we had woken her up......and I'm sure it put a sour taste in her mouth for the rest of the day. She didn't argue with us. She simply turned around went & dragged the kids out of bed & confronted them with this information. The kids admitted that they indeed had done it. I asked for the red wagon. The boy went & retrieved it from their backyard. When he rounded the corner, carrying it in pieces.....I had to turn around & almost fell to my knees....tears flooding my face. I couldn't even speak. David & I both spoke to the mom & the kids in turn. After we had been there half an hour, I asked the kids if they had taken anything else. Their eyes got big & admitted yes they had. They had taken all of Drew's outside blocks that were in rubbermaid boxes. I thought the mom was going to blow a gasket. The girl ran & got them from the backyard (half empty now). The mom finally asked what she could do. She looked at the kids & told them that she couldn't afford to pay for new toys since they still didn't even have school supplies. So, she asked us what we wanted. I looked at the kids & said that they needed to pay for the toys either out of their allowance/birthday money, etc (which I doubt they had any) OR they needed to come work in our yard & work it off. Instantly, the mom said, "DONE!! They can work in your yard every day until eternity." She expressed her deep embarrassment. She told us that she had moved from Jackson to get her kids out of that type of environment & here they were perpetuating that type of behavior. We told her that this wasn't to embarrass her, but it was to embarrass the kids. We told them that if they had been 18, we would have just called the cops. She told us we should call the cops & maybe that would scare them good & proper. We told her we didn't think that was necessary, as long as the kids came & worked off their debts. I really must give the mother props - she never questioned us. She was fired up herself. I'm pretty sure from her demeanor, words & the constant back of the head pops that once we left......she probably "took care of business."

Needless to say, my house didn't get cleaned that morning.......and a few hours later the kids brought over apology letters & started pulling grass from my flower beds. So, for the next week & a half the kids were over every day (full days on the weekend & an hour every afternoon).

Well, we decided that they had worked enough last Sunday. For their last chore, they washed our cars. After 2.5 hours....I told them to hurry it up a bit or we'd be late for church. The kids instantly asked if they could go with us. They said they hadn't been to church in a long time & really wanted to go. We said that was fine-- if & only if -- we got permission from their mom. So, when they were done.......instead of letting them walk home......all of us drove around the block to their house. We had a little surprise in the car for them. We presented the mom with school supplies for the kids. We made sure that they knew that this was NOT a reward or gift. This was an investment in their future. We believed in them & didn't want them pulling any more shenanigans......that they needed to do well in school & have a future. The mom cried & was very grateful. We also put some Gideon New Testaments in their backpacks. We asked if they could go to church with us. She told us, "If you're willing to take these kids somewhere......that's fine with me." Bless her. When we came back to pick up the kids, they were standing outside waiting......their new testaments in hand....dressed in winter clothes (which were their Sunday best). I teared up.

The rest is all gravy. On the way home last week, we told them to pick out a verse in Psalms/Proverbs that they found interesting or liked. We told them to come over on Saturday & we'd talk about it. Well, they couldn't wait. They showed up Monday afternoon with their verses picked out & ready to discuss. Last week, they went to church with us again. Both asked about getting baptized. We had to back it up a little bit & explain salvation. The seeds are planted & the fields are white with harvest!!! God is so good.

Monday, August 6, 2012


So, after writing a check to cover a bill today......I was kind of nervous. It meant only a few dollars left in our checking account. I thought, ok LORD.....the rest is up to you. We have several other bills to pay & no more check until payday. Then, I found a birthday card with a check in it. It's just the right amount to fill up my car with gas. Just when I think that's it & even start to second guess if that tithe money could have really helped us out.......God is ever faithful. I am reminded that all that I have is His & HE will provide.

Are we living our lives independently......relying only on ourselves? Or are we living dependently on God? These were questions that were posed last night during our church service. Could I give up the few things that I hold more precious than God? Yes, I admit.....I do, I do hold a few things closer.... that I have "knowingly" struggled with. Our pastor asked the mothers if we could give up our children. Boy, did he ever touch on a sensitive area?! I hold my family so tight...I could just about hug & squeeze them for eternity. I confessed this to my husband months ago. Motherhood has been a blessing, but in it......I struggle to keep the Lord first. I would die for my child. However, would I give up my precious redhead? I honestly don't know. Could I offer him up as Abraham offered Isaac? Could I? Would I?

I am reminded of a story I once heard from a preacher. He was recounting the testimony of a fellow minister. One day a man took his boat out for a sunny afternoon's leisure trip. He took his teenage son & his son's friend with him. While they were out, an afternoon storm rolled in & the waves started kicking up pretty hard. All three were knocked overboard. The man surfaced & was able to see his son & friend drifting out to sea & both struggling to keep afloat. In a moment of indecision, he decided to get his son's friend. He swam out & got him & took him to safety. However, before he could get to his son......he slipped beneath the surface & was never found. Later, when asked why did he choose the other boy first.....them being the same distance away.......the father replied that he knew he son was saved by the Lord Almighty & that he would see him again one day......and that he knew the opposite for the other boy. Years later, that young boy shared his testimony of how the Lord saved him from both the water & an eternal torment. That young man was the fellow minister that the preacher shared about.

This one......this one I want to say, "Yes LORD"......."Yes LORD"........Even this. All that I am is yours. All that I have is Yours. I covet your prayers. I want to be completely, every ounce of me......completely surrendered to our Most Holy God.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Olympic Fever

A short video.....wish I had caught it earlier, but we were having too much fun watching him. He was pretending to dive during every synchronized was adorable.

Thanks Olympics for inspiring another generation !!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Another Day, Another Year, Another Blessing

I (kk) recently had another birthday. My hubby thought it would be nice to put big "29" candles on the cake. However, I didn't even flinch at the thought of 31. It feels right somehow. I don't feel like I'm a "youngin" anymore...not that I feel old either. Thirty-one fits perfectly, just like a glove.

As for my celebrating, I had a great visit from a dear friend, Anna Wallace. I've known Anna for a little over 12 years now. (We met the summer before I began college). She caught a ride with David on Friday in Starkville & back with him on Monday. So, I got a few days of a little some estrogen in my overly testosterone house!!Haha!! We watched the opening of the Olympics & some prelims for several sports. So, basically I spent the weekend on the couch :) David gave me a cute card that Drew also added a drawing to. I got some flowers & the aforementioned which I must admit,Drew enjoyed even more than the birthday girl.
Then, I spent Sunday night in an overwhelmingly wonderful church service. The Holy Spirit showed up & blessed my socks off!! Our new church has been such a sweet blessing in our lives this year. What better gift than the gift of true fellowship with other believers & with the Spirit of the Living God!!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Unborn Are Not the Only Victims

 Ok, so it's been a while since I got on my soapbox....

Last week, a young woman (24) died from complications from an abortion. I definitely don't have all the information, but I did find that she was out of her first trimester. Also, she had a cervical dilation and evacuation (which is typical for a 2nd trimester abortion). The abortion was performed at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Chicago. For descriptions of a D&E, click here. (Warning: the descriptions & images are graphic.)

Illinois has some of the loosest laws/regulations for abortion in the U.S. …………..Sadly, Illinois does not even require that a licensed physician perform abortions, unless it is after viability (24 weeks). Abortionists are not required to counsel the women on any negative side effects: breast cancer link, fetal pain, negative psychological effects, or use of an ultrasound. Therefore, there is no waiting period for requesting an abortion.

"Globally, "the 10 to 15% of all abortions that take place after the first trimester cause approximately two-thirds of all major complications and half of all abortion-related maternal deaths."56

I’m staunchly against any form of abortion. However, I believe Mississippi’s latest law might have saved this young girl’s life. What if the person performing this abortion was a credentialed OBGYN & had admitting privileges?! Yes, I am pro-life. That  means"all life", in this case, the mother should be protected as well. Sadly, two lives were lost.

How many more shall we lose?

Mississippi Children's Museum

While we were driving through Jackson on Saturday, we decided to make a stop at the Children's Museum for Drew to have a little fun. Boy, did he ever!!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Drew's "New" Night Time Routine

For the past few days Drew has begun a new routine. We put him in bed, say our prayers, tell a story etc......& we leave for him to fall asleep. After a few minutes, we hear him moving around. We've watched him take all his bedding, animals, a few cars & make a pallet on the floor. He thinks it's the neatest thing. We just let him fall asleep there & put him back in bed after a while. (Side Note: they sleep in mats on the floor at daycare & I wonder if he really likes replicating that at home).

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Morning Serenade

Drew decided to serenade us this morning. I had to keep David from stopping that I could video it. He's not supposed to play on the piano without one of us. Which explains why "he was just looking for Easter eggs..." LOL He had been playing for 10 minutes. It was just so cute. I couldn't stop him. Music is in his bones!!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Girls Night

Friday night we had a girls' night. I mean a real GIRLS NIGHT!! It's been probably over 15-20 years since I went to a slumber party. And I admit, I don't think I could handle doing it very often. I think I slept 2 hours, tops. What I loved was getting to know these precious girls/ladies in a more personal & deeper level. We go to church together & pray for one another. But to have that connection to one another, usually takes years for me & maybe even decades to start to form the bonds we were able to in just one night. We had church. We prayed, we sang......we played games. We snacked & giggled & cried our eyes out pouring out our hearts. It was sweet fellowship. I am blessed to be surrounded by such godly women. And I say it again, I am blessed.


Drew had a play date a few weeks ago with his friend, Easton. He so enjoyed having a friend come play in his room & with his toys all day. I can't tell you how sweet it was to have little boys running, giggling, and playing in my house. I loved every sweet morsel of it.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Welcome Baby Clark!

Welcome to the world Baby Clark! My (kk) little brother & his wife (Matt & Kellie), were finally able to bring Clark home last week. He was in the NICU for several days. So, Drew & I waited to go for a visit until they came home. It was so wonderful for Drew to meet "Baby Clark"!! Drew has only known him as being in Aunt Kellie's belly. What a revelation for him to see him face to face. He did such a great job holding him. However, he wanted to keep hugging him & kissing him. It was so sweet. He even gave Clark several of his cars to play with :) He will definitely be a good big brother one day. Congrats Matt & Kellie!! Being a parent is one of the greatest gifts from the Lord. You are blessed beyond measure!!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Happy 80th Birthday - Pappaw

My (kk) Pappaw celebrated his 80th Birthday on Saturday. It was great to see so many members of our family. We don't get together very often,and it was such a sweet celebration. I volunteered to make the cake. If you know my grandfather, his passions are gardening, fishing, shape-note singing and hunting. I had to pick one for the theme of the cake. It was a big hit!! Here's the catfish cake (and every ounce of it was edible :). I even made some "bait" themed cupcakes to accompany it.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Happy Birthday Dad!!

Happy Birthday to Dad/Grandpa aka Dale Keeney! We love you & hope you have a great day!!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Drew Riding Uncle Matt's Tractor

And this why Uncle Matt is Drew's hero!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Claiming Back Territory

We want to thank everyone for their prayers: for all the family & friends that are walking through such dark seasons in their lives (as well as our own). We have so many dear to us hurting so deeply, & we feel their pain so vividly.

I took the latter part of last week off to be with my (kk) family, for Uncle Pete's funeral. It was a sweet time of fellowship. My dad made it over from New Mexico in time to be there as well. So, Drew got some Pappaw loving (& spoiling).


I'm not sure how to start this. I don't think have the right words to share, I will just begin. David & I lost another baby Thursday via miscarriage. It was very early & we hadn't even made it to the doctor's yet. So, it has been a difficult past several days. We felt we could not even truly grieve our own loss for trying to help comfort those around us. Losing the baby last year has been extremely difficult & now facing that yet again. We saw the flame of life & the promise of a new season upon us... & then extinguished. We are grateful that it was early this time.

A sweet friend of mine sent me a link to a ministry called griefshare. They sent that word just two days before, from a season when they faced a miscarriage themselves. Oh but sweet timing. Oh how the Spirit of the Living God moves men to comfort one another, in exactly the right time.
"Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted." Matthew 5:4

The body of believers we fellowship & worship with on Sunday nights prayed over us last night. We can't express how truly blessed we have been to be surrounded by such truly humble & righteous servants.
"At sunset, the people brought to Jesus all who had various kinds of sickness, and laying his hands on each one, he healed them." Luke 4:40
While walking through this season, I am comforted that Jesus heals all. One thing Jesus did not model was how to deal with grief. Instead, He raised the dead & abolished any need for grief. If Christ can do THAT, then He should have NO problems eliminating our grief as well.

We have felt this enormous cloud of grief envelop us over the last year. We have surely been in the "valley of the shadow of death." We have decided to claim back that territory taken by this shadow of death. We are taking back this ground that we have given over in our weakness. I'm grateful that the Lord's mercies are new every morning, & we still have opportunity to walk this out victorious!

And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” Revelation 21:3–4

Praise God for this promise!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Uncle Pete

My (kk) uncle, Pete Cauthen, went home to be with our precious Lord last night. He had been battling cancer for several months. Even with that knowledge & preparation, it has been felt dearly by our family.

We rejoice in knowing that he is now walking in complete fullness with our Christ Jesus.

"Now is your time of grief, but I will see you again and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy." John 16:22b

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Laughter at Last

As you can see, we have needed some sweet reprieve & laughter. Drew has given it to us in spades the last few days.

Funny #1

Instead of taking a nap Sunday afternoon, he decided to empty the baby powder out all over his bed. David caught him in the act.....Look at this face - He knows he's busted!! Later that night, he told me how he made it snow in his bed. Funny kid.

Funny #2

So, Drew is a little nerd just like his folks. He can name all his planets in order from the sun. Last night while he was taking a bath, I was trying to go through them with Drew.

Imagine my suprise: We started with the sun, Mercury.......then all of a sudden he jumped up from sitting in the bath & pointed to his groin & yelled "Venus." I doubled over laughing so hard.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Recording of Funeral

The funeral for Mobley was a beautiful time used to share the urgency of the gospel to all. Above is the link to a recording of it.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Unthinkable Loss

It appears that we are walking through a season of mourning. We have felt the loss of many that we have held dear. However, I can't even put into words the magnitude of devastating grief we are feeling for some sweet friends of ours.

I want to ask for all our friends & family to lift up Meagan & Matt Robinson. They have suffered a loss that I can't even begin to fathom, the loss of their youngest son, Mobley (21 months old).

The visitation is tomorrow & the funeral on Thursday morning. I can't even begin to describe what a beautiful family they are & the faith that they have. Pray God's sustaining mercy over them.

"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God." 2 Corinthians 1:3-4

Monday, February 27, 2012

Grandpa Denick

We are still feeling the loss of Grandpa Denick. We loved every minute we got to spend with Grandpa over Christmas. We are so grateful to have had such a wonderful man in our family & lives. We love you Grandpa. ALWAYS.

"My face is foul with weeping, and on my eyelids is the shadow of death;" Job 16:16

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Potty Time

Tuesday of this week Drew started wearing underwear to school (in lieu of pull-ups). He only had one accident his first day.

Wednesday & Thursday - were completely accident free!!

We have really kicked the potty training into full gear since the holidays & it has paid off. We are so proud of our little fella!!

Go Drew!! (Literally, go Drew!! LOL)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Loss of a True Kindred Spirit

This weekend, I lost a dear friend of mine(kk). A true kindred spirit.

In college, you are surrounded by people that think like you, talk like you and live life like you. However, in the “real” world your college friends are scattered to the wind & you can’t find that type of comradery very easily. Kenneth (who I affectionately called “K”) was my sweet compatriot here. We both loved art, history, preservation, the outdoors, traveling, and have completely silly senses of humor. We were each other’s cheer leaders, when we needed it ……..& we could give each other kicks in the pants when we needed it too. He had been the director of the Oren Dunn museum for almost 10 years, and was a plethora of information on all things Tupelo….when I needed a good history lesson. He let me dive into the secret vaults and interrupt his busy day with a quick bite at some of our favorite stomping grounds. I’m grateful to have had him in my life.

I share this for one reason, one reason only. He died senselessly and alone.

The last several months, he pushed all his friends and loved ones away. He was suffering from depression and several other tragic circumstances. I tried to reach out to him, but he was stubborn and wouldn’t let anyone in to see or talk with him. I had relinquished to try to leave him notes and messages, in hopes of a return phone call. I had no idea the depths of which he had fallen. I will forever regret not trying harder to reach my sweet friend. I pray sweet peace over his family that is suffering in ways that only the Lord can heal. I pray for the Lord to help me forgive myself and other friends that are suffering the same regrets.

“My lyre is tuned to mourning, and my pipe to the sound of wailing.” Job 30: 31
This verse is really my heart cry today. However, I am grateful that Job’s anguish (which is certainly more that I could imagine), is redeemed. I have hope that I will meet my friend again one day in eternity. I want to remember only the sweet fellowship that we had and look forward to that day. I want to rest in knowing that he is sitting at the feet of Jesus and he suffers no more. I want to rest in knowing that he was NEVER ALONE. For I know my Redeemer was holding his hand even in his darkest hour.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Meaningless Toiling

My quiet time this morning was in Ecclesiastes 2. I’ve been in an Ecclesiastical mood for the past several days……you know, the ALL IS MEANINGLESS!!

11 Yet when I surveyed all that my hands had done
and what I had toiled to achieve,
everything was meaningless, a chasing after the wind;
nothing was gained under the sun.

22 What do people get for all the toil and anxious striving with which they labor under the sun? 23 All their days their work is grief and pain; even at night their minds do not rest. This too is meaningless.

24 A person can do nothing better than to eat and drink and find satisfaction in their own toil. This too, I see, is from the hand of God, 25 for without him, who can eat or find enjoyment?

I guess the summation for me is, you must toil & labor for something that brings enjoyment. That’s what the Lord wants from us. He doesn’t want us to toil & labor for someone else’s enjoyment……but for us to bring Him glory now. I say this with trepidation because the first part of Eccl. 2 talks about indulging in all your desires. We aren’t called to that either, but we should toil in things that bring enjoyment.

Pray that God would cleanse my pitiful excuse for an attitude & bring about new joy & meaning to my life. That His full purpose for me & my family would be realized & glorified.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Updated Header

Alas, the header & layout are more baby Drew. He is ALL boy now!!

Monday, January 9, 2012

A Call for Self-Reflection

A Call for Self-Reflection. This was the challenge that was made to a special gathering of worship & study last night. Too often, we think of others for their need of growth & neglect our own.

How can you say to your brother, ‘Brother, let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when you yourself fail to see the plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.” Luke 6:42

I do this too often, whether I voice it or not. I will admit it has been an even bigger challenge now that I work in a workplace primarily of women. Gossip & slander appear at every interval. Oh how deep are the caverns of which we fall into darkness…….such a slippery slope.

A few months ago, I challenged myself to not saying ANYTHING critical of my husband for a month. Not even a “you forgot to put the trash out to be collected”……..nothing. Oh wow, challenging is definitely not an adequate description of what that month was. While, to David: it was the brightest & easiest month of our entire marriage. I was hoping that I had broken that bad habit & that it would begin to reign in a new season of our marriage. Oh but it only takes once or twice to see a fault here or there & “poof” you are back to where you were.

And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.” Ephesians 4:30

Oh brother, am I tremendously guilty of grieving the Holy Spirit!! It is a daily struggle to work out my personal walk with Christ with my eye continually on the prize & not my own selfish ways.

Thankfully, I serve a merciful God.

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Christmas in TX

We had a great time in Texas visiting David’s family (parents, grandparents, sister, brother-in-law & niece & nephew). I’d love to say Drew’s favorite part of the trip was spending time with everyone. However, I think it was pretty clear to everyone there that he was in complete awe of “Grandpa’s big blue fish.” He would go around the room giving everyone tours of Grandpa Dale’s scale breaking marlin.
However, he had a great time playing with his cousins Thad & Emily. Oh how I wish we were closer to each other & our kids could play more often.
We got to see Grandpa & Grandma Denick which was such a nice treat. Grandma Keeney made such good meals too!!