Tuesday, January 19, 2010


So, Drew's cough is more than a cough. He has RSV. The doctor admitted him this afternoon. We're at NMMC, Room 403. Our phone number is 662.377.7403 in the room.

God knew that I needed to be home with Drew.
David's in Atlanta...won't be back till Thursday night.

Prayers still needed.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Careful What You Wish For...

Well, I wanted more time with Drew......and now, I have it. Along with a good chunk of the firm, I was laid off Friday. Yep, less than two weeks after returning to work from maternity leave.
Financially, it's really bad timing. However, I know that God will provide. God's plans are bigger than mine.
Today, I'm just going to enjoy spending time with Drew. He's got a little cold...So, you know, I would have had to stay at home anyway!! David's at another conference this week till Thursday night. I get to have the boy all to myself till then.

Prayer is always good....so, pour it on!!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Growing, Growing, Growing

Drew continues to grow like a weed. This morning, I put him in an outfit that he wore last week.....too small. I wish it would slow down (not in reality). I just feel like I'm missing so much...he's changing so fast now. I'm only home a few hours before we hit the sack (8:30-10pm...no joke....and 10pm is stretching it). We get up at 5am to get him & me ready/fed/pumped... Daddy likes to sleep in till 6am if possible. We're all out of the door by 7am. It's like I've entered a new reality at warp speed.

Pray that we're able to soak all of this in, and enjoy every ounce of this new life.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Put Your Hands Up!!

I love the way little Drew sleeps.

I just want to eat him up!!!

Monday, January 11, 2010

A Week of Firsts

Last Tuesday was my FIRST day back to work.
Last Tuesday was Drew's FIRST day to daycare.
Yesterday was Drew's FIRST day to church!
I took a picture of Drew's crib in the church's nursery. (I need to take a picture of his at daycare too!!)

Here is a picture of the outfit he wore!! LOL

We couldn't help ourselves to the irony of this shirt (for church, that is)!!!
David's favorite part......he's wearing jeans. David always wears jeans to church. Like father like son.

Speaking of.....
Here's a picture of my two boys taking a nap together. Drew looks so much like David in this photo!!

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Thought everyone would like to see a video of little Drew. This is from a few weeks ago.....but it's too cute to see his whole body jump from the hiccups.

Happy New Years

Thought everyone would like a little cutie to help ring in the New Year (even if it is a bit late!!)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Christmas = Family

I don't have many pictures with me on my camera. I deleted so many after putting them on my home computer......and then neglecting to post a blog.

Today is my first day back to work (6 weeks have really flown by). So, I'll be in front of a computer much more reliably now...and able to update more frequently.

Here are a few family pics from the holidays!!

Grandpa & Grandma Keeney

Grandma Keeney

Pappaw Cauthen

Great Pappaw Blanton
Great Mammaw Blanton

Great Uncle Cecil

Great Mammaw Cauthen

Grandma Cauthen

Uncle Chris

Just drew in his some of his Christmas digs...