Monday, August 31, 2009

Clearing the Air on Veggin

So, as most of you know, I (kk) am a vegetarian. I made the decision to go "V" almost exactly a year ago. I've had lots of questions lately on what this means... and how am I getting enough protein.

Technically, I'm a lacto-ovo vegetarian. Meaning: I consume milk & eggs in my diet. No, I don't eat any type of meat (including fish).

However, I do consume my daily value of protein through a variety of sources.
-Nut butters (peanut, almond, etc)
-Beans (Black, Soybeans, Kidney, Black-Eyed, Pinto, Lintels...etc)
(I keep a bag or can of nuts in my desk for an easy afternoon snack).

However, people forget that a variety of foods include protein. You have to know what you're eating. (And yes, I consume an additional 300 calories of protein in my diet daily, now that I'm pregnant). These things add up when looked at wholistically.
-Veggie Burgers
-All veggie meat substitutes..
-really... I could go on & on....

What is always interesting is when we go out to eat & people assume that I'm not getting my daily intake merely b/c I didn't get "enough" protein at that particular meal. And if I say I'm tired, doesn't mean I didn't get "enough protein" might just mean..... I'm tired because my body is growing another person right now. How many pregnant women aren't tired?! LOL

I made the decision to go vegetarian for my health. I'm not a crazy person who thinks we shouldn't eat meat b/c I'm an erractic tree-hugger. I had fallen into bad eating habits, and I wanted a lifestyle change. Cutting the meat, cut lots of fats from fried foods...heavy sodium enriched marinades..and an altogether unhealthy colon. I make smarter choices with my foods now. I actually consume more protein now that when I ate meat....because now I know how much of my daily vitamins and nutrients I consume. I'm much more accountable to myself.

My doctors are all very supportive of this lifestyle/diet. They were all aware of the changes before & afterwards...and all agree that I'm healthier now than before.

For the record, the only thing I miss is SUSHI. However, I'm able to get my fix with a cucumber roll. Perhaps one day I might add fish back in my diet, but not at this point....(I don't want to consume the Mercury while expecting).

Hey, I get that some people don't understand this. I'm not trying to win the world over. It's just a personal call........and my husband is not deprived. He gets meat any time he wants it.

I guess, that was my soap box. I'll get off of it now.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Weekend Visitor & New Permanent Resident of the Keeney Household

I wanted to introduce our weekend visitor to everyone, Minnie Pearl. She's a two year old cockatiel. She loves to tweet, but isn't in the slightest bit annoying. We've kept her in the front bedroom. Logan is curious about the sounds coming from there, but hasn't whined about it. [Note: I need to tell you about Logan too!]

A friend of mine from work, Margaret (whom the phrase "World's Biggest Animal Lover" can be attributed), gave her to us for transport. Margaret's sister passed away earlier this year from cancer. She took in her dogs and bird, while her niece took her cats. Unfortunately, in a house with 3 cats, 4 dogs, and 3 grandchildren.....something had to give. She's heartbroken that her pack of animals haven't adjusted to the bird (as she had hoped). So, she sought out to find her a new home that she could be loved on. I passed on the information to a friend of mine in Vet school at MSU. A professor there saw her picture & immediately wanted her. So, we are babysitting till they pick her up this afternoon.

Admittedly, I always thought that birds would annoy you to death, squawking etc.. but Minnie Pearl has been an excellent house guest & is welcome back any time.

Now for Logan: I've completely neglected to post about Logan. After the loss of Jack, we were very timid about bringing in a "replacement" dog. However, we knew that we wanted another Dobe to fill the void left by Jack's absence. Jack was not only our companion, but our protection. While we live in an "up & coming" [ie half rental/half home owners] neighborhood, we've never felt in danger...but we always had Jack. So, after filling out some applications with 2 Doberman Rescue Groups (one in Memphis & one on the Gulf Coast), we met two wonderful young Dobes.

After much debate, we decided on a young 2 year old Fawn named LoLo from Baton Rouge. We fell in love instantly, all three of us. Logan [as we have since renamed] is a pure joy. He's full of puppy energy and eager to give kisses or have his belly rubbed. He is a velcro dog if there ever was one. If Jack was a Daddy's boy, Logan is a Momma's boy. He won't leave my side the entire time I'm home. He likes Daddy (David) too because he feeds & walks him. But if he has a choice, he'd rather have Momma's undivided attention. David believes he's instinctively protective of me because I'm pregnant. He's very smart & picks up training very easily. Unfortunately, because of his young age....he gets bored after 15 minutes and is ready to just play. We have him in obedience classes. He tends to whine/bark when other dogs are around & we want him to be a good social dog. [Jack was an amazing social dog & could befriend any dog any size (if they were willing)]. We can leave Logan in the house all day unsupervised, and he has not once gotten in to anything....not once!! He loves stuffed animals even more than Jack did, and loves to hide them all over the house...then, find them again later & bring them all out to play at once. He's just as cute as can be. Although, keeping the toys picked up for guests is now an impossibility. So, don't be surprised when you come over to our toy kingdom!! LOL

So, every morning I awake to a big kiss from our new boy Logan. How can anyone not love that?!

Friday, August 28, 2009

A Mommy-2-Be Update

It’s been a crazy week. I’m 27 weeks and some change [right at 7 months]. I’ve only gained 9 lbs thus far. I only gained 1 pound this past month. I was sure I had gained more due to the traveling……and I fell off the wagon for about a week (eating lots of sweets). David was impressed that I just flipped a switch & went right back to eating healthy again. I’m craving fresh fruit all of the time. So, I load a bag of peaches, plums, nectarines, & apples for my snacks every day.

The baby is moving a lot more. The movements will catch me off guard. I might be having a conversation, or sitting in a meeting….and the baby just “kicks the fire out of me” (not sure where that phrase comes from…but it fits). It’s everything in me not to start laughing at the most inappropriate moments.

I’ve been working non-stop for several weeks….and I need a break. However, I understand that I have to get these jobs out of the door before E.D. comes. I have another weekend of work to look forward to. I do hope to attend a baby fair tomorrow at the Women’s Hospital!! Cross your fingers for me winning a door prize…or two.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Instructor David

Thinking the phrase "Instructor David" makes me think of the old cartoon "Instructor Gadget".....and the accompanying theme song.

I asked David to update about MSU starting back up for the fall...but I guess he's too busy/distracted/etc. So, I'll do my best... from the inexperienced bystander.

This fall, David is teaching a high level statistics course. (He has over a hundred students). I can't stand, I'm not envious. All his students are keeping him busy answering questions all times of the day [& yes...nights too]. Thus far, he's having to drive to Starkville all 5 weekdays. I'm not sure if this will slack up or if this will be the norm for the rest of the semester. It was nice with the 3 day a week drive this summer...but oh well, that's life.

He's also developing a few new courses...set to launch either in the spring or fall (sorry, I can't recall). This is basically the "meat" of what he was hired on to do. So, it will take up quite a bit of his daily routine.

MSU has over a 100 cases of swine flu already. So, I hope he doesn't come down with it or bring it home to me & E.D. He's always been pretty worries.

As for me, I'm trying to push out a big job. (Which is what I'm taking a break from right now). I've worked nights for the last several weeks. So, no rest for the weary... I'm back to the grindstone. Goodnight!!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Jack's plaque

A co-worker had access to a waterjet cutter. I made the CAD file, and he had it cut out for me. We placed it on Jack's grave a few weeks back. I just haven't been able to post the pictures. It's the perfect final touch for our sweet boy. We still miss him...

Friday, August 14, 2009

New Mexico Trip

We had a great trip out to New Mexico to visit family. It was my (kk) first time in the desert land. We got to visit K-rin's parents & brother in Hobbs. Then, we headed off to visit David's grandparents in Alamogordo. The scenery was vastly different between the two. My (kk)parents live in the heart of oil country (dry, desert, and barren). David's grandparents live in the shadow of the Sacremento Mountains (right beside White Sands), very beautiful.
It took us a day of flying to get there (and of course one back). So, our visits were very short with both sides of the family. Although, we're glad we got to spend time with everyone! We had a great time....and now we can tell ED that they went to New Mexico too!!

K-rin, Grandma & Grandpa & David after some "spicy" enchiladas!

David with Grandma & Grandpa at White Sands National Monument! After David skiid down the dunes.

Apache David!!
Cowboy Forrest!

Grandma & David at the oldest church in New Mexico. (St. Francis )

Momma Linda showing off her studio!! Having dinner with K-rin's family!!
K-rin's family at the entrance to Carlsbad Caverns (the largest caverns in the U.S.).
Our lovely accomodations!! LOL, j/k K-rin's parents & David's grandparents both provided us with a comfortable bed & wonderful company.